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viernes, 11 de septiembre de 2009

Miley Cyrus "When i Look at You" official music video + Letra!

El nuevo video musical de Miley Cyrus que vendría ser la canción oficial de su película “Last Song” Ya esta en youtube y es probable que lo saquen pronto por que no ha salido officialmente!

Sin embargo, la canción forma parte del EP de Miley Cyrus, llamado "The Time of our Lives" (El Tiempo de nuestras Vidas) que ya salió a la venta el 31 de Agosto para las tiendas Walmart.


Simplemente ME ENCANTA!! nada más que decir!!

Everybody needs inspiration
Everybody needs a song
Beautiful melody, when the nights so long

Cause there is no guarantee
That this life is easy (Yeah)
When my world is falling apart,
when there is no light to break up the dark
That's when I (I) look at you
When the waves are flooding the shore and I
can't find my way home anymore
That's when I (I) look at you

When I look at you
I see forgiveness, I see the truth
You love me for who I am like the stars
hold the moon
Right there where they belong and I know
I'm not alone (Yeah)

When my world is falling apart,
when there is no light to break up the dark
That's when I (I) look at you
When the waves are flooding the shore and I
can't find my way home anymore
That's when I (I) look at you

When the waves are flooding the shore and I
can't find my way home anymore
That's when I (I) look at you

You appear just like a dream to me
Just like a kaleidoscope colors that cover me
All I need every breath that I breathe
Don't you know you're beautiful (Yeah, Yeah)

When the waves are flooding the shore and I
can't find my way home anymore
That's when I (I) look at you

You appear just like a dream to me.

1 comentario:

Andrea dijo...

me enkanta sale guapisima, nunka la abia visto tan guapa, y es la verdad. esta mas guapa k nunka.

Plantilla diseñada por JESSICA de: WT